Birth Blog

Pain Relief Options For Labour & Birth

Stephanie Martin

Pain Relief Options For Labour & Birth

Written by
Stephanie Martin

Labour can be painful - it will help to be aware of the several pain relief methods should you need them when giving birth. 

Knowing your pain relief options can help you to feel more in control and calm, helping you to achieve an easier birth. 

Make notes in your birth plan and discuss your different options with your birth partner, and how they can support you. Remember to keep an open mind, your plans might change during labour.

Speak to your midwife or doctor about effective pain relief available during labour and birth so you can decide what is best for you. 

Self-help in Labour

You're likely to feel more relaxed in labour and better placed to cope with the pain if you:

  • learn about labour – this can make you feel more in control and less frightened about what's going to happen; talk to your midwife or doctor, ask them questions, and go to antenatal classes
  • learn how to relax, stay calm, and breathe deeply
  • keep moving – your position can make a difference, so try kneeling, walking around, or rocking backwards and forwards
  • bring a partner, friend or relative to support you during labour, but don't worry if you don't have one – your midwife will give you all the support you need
  • ask your partner to massage you – although you may find you don't want to be touched
  • have a bath

Non-medical Pain Relief Options

  • Hypnobirthing - Hypnosis, Meditation, Breathing techniques, aromatherapy, acupuncture
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Water birth
Self-help (Hypnobirthing) - Hypnosis, Meditation, Breathing techniques

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a childbirth preparation method that focuses on using relaxation techniques, self-hypnosis, visualization, and breathing exercises to help women manage the pain and fear associated with labor and delivery. The goal of hypnobirthing is to promote a calm and positive birthing experience for both the mother and her baby.

The techniques taught in hypnobirthing classes aim to help women release tension and fear, allowing their bodies to work more efficiently during labor. By practicing deep relaxation and maintaining a state of calm, women may experience less pain and tension during childbirth. Additionally, hypnobirthing emphasizes the importance of empowering women to make informed choices about their birth experience and to advocate for their preferences during labor and delivery.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

The mother’s nerves in the lower back are stimulated using a small hand-held device controlled by the woman. There are no known side effects for mother or baby and can be helpful used alone or combined with other pain relief methods. 

Water Birth

Being in the water can help you to feel more relaxed and help ease painful contractions. Water will be monitored and kept at a comfortable temperature, but not above 37.5C.

Medical pain relief options for childbirth

  • Entonox (Gas and Air) for labour 
  • Pethidine or diamorphine injections in labour
  • Epidural anaesthesia
Entonox (gas and air) for labour 

A mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas, you breathe in the ‘gas and air’ through a mask which you hold yourself, giving you control. Gas and air will help to reduce the pain and make it more bearable. 

Side Effects:

  • Can make you feel drowsy and light-headed. As Entonox is self-administered, it is very safe, however if you become drowsy, you won't be able to hold your mouthpiece yourself
  • Dizziness, disorientation, nausea and a dry mouth
  • Tingling sensation can occur, usually in fingers, due to breathing too quickly. Your nurse will encourage you to slow down your breathing to a normal rate.
Pethidine or diamorphine injections in labour

Strong pain relievers pethidine or diamorphine injections take about 20 minutes to work and last between 2 - 4 hours. They are not recommended if you are getting close to the pushing stage of labour. 

Side Effects: 

  • Can make you feel dizzy, nauseous and forgetful
  • Pethidine can cross over the placenta to the baby. Baby may feed less frequently in the first 48 hours as the pethidine can make a baby drowsy
  • If pethidine or diamorphine are given too close to the time of delivery, they may affect the baby's breathing
  • You cannot use a birthing pool for about 4 hours after pethidine has been given (or until fully worn off)
  • If Pethidine hasn't worn off towards the end of labour, it can make it difficult to push. Half a dose initially may be a better option
Epidural anaesthesia

An epidural is a local anaesthetic which numbs the nerves that carry the pain impulses from the birth canal to the brain providing complete pain relief for most women. Anaesthetic is injected into the lining of the spinal cord through the back, making the mother feel numb from the waist down. It takes about 10 minutes to set up an epidural and 10-15 minutes to start working. 

Side Effects: 

  • An epidural can make your legs feel heavy, depending on local anaesthetic used
  • Urinating can be difficult after an epidural - You may need a catheter put into your bladder to help you
  • 1 in 100 women suffers from headaches after an epidural. If this happens, it can be treated
  • You may have a sore back for a couple of days, but epidurals don’t cause long-term backache. 
  • About 1 in 2,000 women feel pins and needles down one left after having a baby. This could be due to childbirth itself rather than an epidural. You will be advised by a midwife or doctor when you can get out of bed
  • Can cause hypotension - your blood pressure can drop. This is rare because the fluid given through the drip in your arm will help to maintain good blood pressure
  • Epidurals can prolong the second stage of labour, and if you can no longer feel your contractions, the midwife will tell you when to push. In this case, forceps or a ventouse (assisted delivery) may be needed to help deliver the baby’s head. Sometimes less anaesthetic is given towards the end so that the effects wear off and you can feel to push your baby out naturally.

We wish you all the best with labour and delivery!

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