Baby Care Blog

Baby Development Milestones Month By Month

Rachael Kirkwood

Baby Development Milestones Month By Month

Written by
Rachael Kirkwood

You've brought home your precious new bundle of joy and before you know it, they're growing and changing right before your eyes. From rolling over to babbling, the first six months of your baby's life are filled with exciting key milestones . It's truly amazing to see your little one's development unfolding before you, as they go from tiny newborn to toddlers running the show.

Baby Milestones in the First Year

0-3 month baby milestones

Newborn milestones include the ability to focus on objects up close and track them with their eyes. By 6 weeks, they will make eye contact and even smile in response to your expressions. Around the two-month mark, you may hear babbling - an early sign of communication.

They may also begin to lift their head while lying on their stomach. As your baby approaches the three-month mark, you may notice them starting to push up on their arms while lying on their stomach, preparing for the milestone of rolling over. Prepare for lots of tummy time fun!

Can my baby see colour?

Yes, babies can see colour from birth, but they are more attracted to high-contrast black and white patterns in the early months. You can engage your baby's vision by showing them black and white picture books or toys.

4-6 month baby milestones

As your baby reaches the 4-month mark, you might notice them starting to roll over from their back to their stomach. They may also start reaching for objects and playing with their hands. By 5 months, some babies may be able to sit up with support and respond to their name being called. By the time you get to 6 months old, they might be able to sit up without assistance and reach for objects using both hands. They may also start babbling more complex sounds and show an interest in solid foods.

weaning purees
Weaning and Introducing Purees

7-9 month baby milestones

At around 7 months you can expect to see some exciting developmental milestones, they might start sitting up without support and possibly even start crawling. By 8 months, they may be able to pull themselves up to a standing position and may even start cruising along furniture. Additionally, their hand-eye coordination will likely improve, and they may start using their fingers to pick up small objects.

As they reach 9 months, you may notice them starting to babble more and even say their first words. They might also start showing preferences for certain toys or activities and may exhibit more independence in their play. Some babies at this stage may start waving goodbye or clapping their hands in response to different stimuli.

10-12 month baby milestones

At around 10 months, they may start to pull themselves up to stand and maybe even take their first steps. They will also likely be babbling more and trying to communicate with you. By 11 months, your little one may be starting to say a few words and imitating simple actions like waving or clapping. They may also be getting better at feeding themselves and using their fingers to pick up small objects.

At 1 year old, you may have a little one who is starting to walk. They may also be saying more words and understanding simple instructions. It's an exciting time as they become more independent and start to show their personality. You will also get to celebrate their first birthday.

When do babies talk?

Babies reach different milestones at different times, but most babies start talking before they are 2 yrs old. Keep in mind that every child is unique, so it's normal for some babies to start talking earlier or later. Laughing usually develops earlier than talking, with most babies starting to laugh around 3-4 months.

When do babies eat solid foods?

Babies typically start eating solid foods around 6 months old, which is the recommended age for beginning weaning. There are two main approaches to weaning - traditional weaning, which involves introducing purees and mashed foods gradually, and baby led weaning, where babies are encouraged to self-feed with suitable finger foods. Whichever method you choose, it's important to follow a weaning guide to ensure your little one is getting the right nutrition and developing good eating habits from the start. You can read our weaning guide here

baby development playing with toys
Baby Playing with Toys | Pexels

When do babies walk?

Babies typically start walking between 9 and 12 months of age. However, every child is different so some may start walking as early as 8 months while others may take a bit longer. It's important to remember that crawling and standing, play a significant role in preparing them to walk. So, encourage your little one to practice crawling and standing to help them build the strength and coordination needed to take those first steps.

When do babies crawl?

Babies typically start crawling around the age of 6 to 10 months. Some babies may start crawling earlier, while others may take a bit longer to get moving. Each infant is unique and develops at their own pace. Enjoy watching your little one explore and discover the world around them as they reach this fun and important milestone.

When can baby sit up?

Babies usually sit up on their own between 4 and 7 months of age. Some may reach this milestone earlier or later than others. Just remember to provide plenty of support and encouragement as your little one works towards sitting up independently.When do babies roll over?

When do babies roll over?

Babies typically start rolling over around the age of 4 to 6 months. This is an exciting milestone that shows their growing strength and coordination. Remember to always provide a safe and clear space for your little one to practice their new rolling skills.

When do babies first smile?

Babies typically start smiling between 6-12 weeks old, although some may start as early as a month old. It's one of the earliest ways they communicate and show that they are starting to recognise and engage with the world around them. This milestone is heart-warming for parents, as it’s a beautiful sign of their growing connection with their little one. So, keep an eye out for those adorable newborn smiles, as they are sure to melt your heart!

When do babies get their first tooth?

Babies typically get their first tooth around the age of 6 to 10 months. Keep an eye out for signs such as drooling, increased fussiness, and biting on objects as these could indicate that your little one is teething. Remember to gently massage their gums with a clean finger or a soft toothbrush to help ease their discomfort. Every baby is different, so don't worry if your little one's first tooth doesn't come exactly at this time frame. Just enjoy each stage and cherish those precious gummy smiles while you can!

baby milestones month by month
Baby Milestones Month by Month

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